Beite steel pipe held fire drills

Beite steel pipe held fire drills
Implement fire protection laws and regulations, implement fire protection responsibilities-Beite steel pipe holds fire drills
Safety is no small matter. In order to enable all employees of the company to understand the basic knowledge of firefighting, improve their awareness of safety precautions, and enhance their self-protection capabilities, so that the company employees can master certain firefighting knowledge, eliminate fire hazards, learn about firefighting knowledge and the use of firefighting equipment, and master Fire escape skills and precautions, etc., from May 22 to 24, 2021, Beite steel pipe's cold-drawn workshop and storage section organized fire-fighting knowledge training and drills.

Warehousing fire drill
At 8 o'clock in the morning, the company organized the storage department staff, safety and environmental personnel, directors office, and some relevant personnel of the enterprise management center to gather at the venue. After that, the storage department security staff gave specific explanations and demonstrations on the use of fire extinguishers, and then the personnel who participated in the exercise We conducted actual combat operations one by one and learned how to use fire extinguishers correctly. The fire drill was intense and orderly, safety assurance work was in place, and the drill achieved the expected results. The drill was a complete success.
Fire drill in cold drawing workshop of Beite steel pipe
Through this exercise, the relevant personnel of Beite steel pipe established the concept of "prevent trouble before they happen" and a strong awareness of fire safety, consciously abide by fire laws and regulations, actively implement various fire prevention measures, and do a good job while striving to prevent fires. Emergency preparations for fire fighting, so as to achieve rapid, orderly, timely and effective results in accidents. Effectively avoid the loss of life and property caused by fire.

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