Business summary meeting for the first half of the year

Sales achieved more than half of the target, lean management tapped the potential and increased efficiency-the company held the first half-year business summary meeting

On July 27th, the company held a business summary meeting for the first half of 2021. The company’s deputy manager and above management cadres participated in this meeting. Some personnel stationed abroad and on business trips participated in the video mode. We communicated with each other, learnt from each other, and learned about the company in the first half. Annual operating status, unified understanding, firm confidence, and help the work in the second half of the year.
In the first half of this year, with the concerted efforts and joint efforts of all employees, the company’s two major sales targets have achieved "double over half". It presents a good situation of quickly eliminating the impact of the epidemic and restoring normal growth. In the first half of the year, the amount of the sales contract was signed, 54.07% of the annual target was completed, and the three items (contract amount + invoiced amount + refund amount) were averaged, and 58.18% of the annual target was achieved. Among them, the smooth implementation of Shenghong's refining and chemical integration project and the rapid recovery of the boiler tube foreign market have become the driving force for the company's sales growth.

In April, our company successfully undertook the high-standard "Seminar on the Promotion and Application of Medium Frequency Thermally Expanded Seamless Steel Tubes in the Petrochemical, Chemical, and Electric Power Industries", attracting nearly a hundred leaders and experts from petrochemical, chemical, electric power, steel pipe and other industries to participate. Lectures, user forums and factory surveys, etc., allow users to understand the thermal expansion trust thermal expansion, and review and approve the promotion and application opinions of related industries, and play a positive role in promoting the thermal expansion process and products in key areas. At the same time, the company’s various annual key tasks have been carried out in an orderly manner, and certain results have been achieved, especially the successful development of large-caliber seamless steel pipes for nuclear power. Through various inspections by authoritative institutions and users, breakthroughs have been made in the application and expansion of high-end areas.
In the first half of the year, the price of upstream raw materials continued to rise rapidly. The speed and intensity of the increase was rare in history, which had a great impact on downstream companies like ours. In addition, the cancellation of export tax rebates and the doubling of sea freight and other unfavorable factors, product profit margins and company The operating efficiency was greatly affected.

The person in charge of each department spoke in turn, summed up the achievements and shortcomings of their respective work in the first half of the year, and proposed improvement measures and work plans. In terms of sales, a new cooperation mechanism was implemented this year. Through the combination of personnel from different departments, the ability to execute super large projects has been significantly improved, ensuring the smooth performance of large contracts such as Shenghong Refining & Chemicals. The third sales company and the boiler tube department have completed the entire year. Sector indicators. In terms of procurement, in the face of soaring upstream prices and the difficulty of ordering full funds, we actively expanded and adjusted procurement channels, rationally purchased cost-effective raw materials, and effectively guaranteed normal production.
For the factory, the first half of the year was the busiest and the hardest. Vice President Chen Dong vividly called "overcoming difficulties". Due to the rapid increase in orders for alloy pipes, the processing procedures were complicated, and all job positions were saturated with full load. State, they have overcome difficulties such as shortage of personnel, scientifically scheduled production and reasonable scheduling, and ensured the on-time production and delivery of each order.
Vice President Hu Yiqing comprehensively introduced and analyzed the company's main indicators completion, operating status, capital structure and profitability. She pointed out that the increase in raw materials and full orders have also put a lot of pressure on the company’s capital and turnover. She hopes that various departments can cooperate with each other, work together to tap the potential and increase efficiency, and strive to absorb the disadvantages caused by the increase in materials. Mr. Hu proposed "lean management". "The idea is to create as much value as possible on time, economically, and efficiently with minimal resource input, and to provide consumers with products and timely services.

Different from the summary meeting in previous years, the interactive exchanges at this meeting were more active and full. Regarding the improvement issues in terms of capital return, cost reduction, inventory reduction, etc., everyone actively spoke, expressed their opinions, put forward many good methods and ideas, and unified mutual cooperation and strengthened the consensus of linkage in the exchange.
The chairman thanked everyone for their efforts. He said: The overall situation of the company in the first half of this year was good, and it was not easy to achieve more than half of the sales. Compared with the first half of the year, the current raw material prices are gradually stabilizing, and it is believed that the company's efficiency will soon improve in the second half of the year. In the second half of the year, we will still focus on sales, strengthen the promotion and application of large-diameter seamless steel pipes, and strive for large projects and large orders. At the same time, use management to generate benefits, and do a good job in reducing costs and expenditures in procurement, production, warehouse, logistics and other links. I believe that through everyone's concerted efforts and hard work, the work and tasks in the second half of the year will definitely be better!

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